
Marisol Fernandez Capriles

Associate Professionals 

Master in International Economics and Development from Boston University (United States). She also has a degree in Economics and a degree in Political Science from the same university. She is currently Oikocredit’s representative in Bolivia, an international ecumenical cooperative society. Previously, she has served at the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions in Bolivia, including microfinance-oriented agencies. She was Intendant of Resolutions and Liquidations and has been in charge of implementing the principles of the new agreement on capital requirements (Basel II). She has provided consulting services in a variety of projects, among, including, among others, the analysis of the legal, regulatory, and supervising framework for the promotion and development of microfinancial institutions in Tanzania, for the Central Bank of Tanzania with Swiss Aid (SIDA, Swiss Aid). Additionally, she was a consultant for the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions in Bolivia with the goal of implementing/making more efficient the Intendancy of Decentralized Entities, in order to make more efficient the final closure of the liquidation process of banks.

Since 2007 she is an associate professional of Fit & Proper.