
José Roberto Effio

Associate Professionals

Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Universitè du Québec à Montréal (Canada) and Economist from Catholic University of Peru. He has over 15 years of international experience in banking supervision, risk management, financial control and capital markets, among others. At present, he is Intendant of Risk in Financial Conglomerates at the Superintendence of Banks, Insurance and Private Pension Funds of Peru and Advisor in bank supervision issues for the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Previously, he was Senior Consultant at Ernest & Young in Peru and was member of the Program for Future Leaders of Santander Group in Latin America having different responsibilities in banks of the group in Peru, Puerto Rico and Uruguay. He has participated as lecturer and representative of the Superintendence of Banks in Peru in work groups and regional events on consolidated supervision, organized by the Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas (ASBA) and the Financial Stability Institute (FSI).

Since 2011 he is an associate professional of Fit & Proper.